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On Horseback Through Rajasthan—and Giving Back, Too
By Sarah Gold
The Wall Street Journal
Nov. 15, 2013

WHEN THE CAMEL cart came lurching around a bend and headed straight for us—wooden wheels clattering, turbaned drivers blaring Rajasthani music from a boombox—I was determined to keep my cool. My horse had other ideas: She reared up, spilling me out of my stirrups and into the dirt. READ MORE >>

Adventure With a Mission
By Pamela West
Special to The Washington Post
Sunday, September 10, 2006

We have galloped a mile through the Great Thar Desert in Rajasthan, northwest India. I grit my teeth and hug the neck of my sturdy Marwari horse as it races up a steep dune. We pause at the crest. Below is a near-vertical cliff of sand. A wind comes at us sideways, unfurling our group's orange and red flag. READ MORE >>

Adventure With a Mission
By Michelle Higgins
The New York Times
March 19, 2006

As travelers develop ties to their favorite destinations and look for ways to give back to the communities they have visited, a new field called travel philanthropy is starting to develop. READ MORE >>

Give and Go
Town & Country Magazine
May 27, 2014

Some people on vacation like to roll up their sleeves and pitch in. Here are a few ways to lend a hand and travel the world at the same time.

Riding To The Rescue
By Alan Farnham
July 8, 2006

A band of strangers gallops into town. Before they leave, they'll have dewormed 400 kids, removed 200 cataracts and pulled 60 teeth. It's their vacation. READ MORE >>

Travel Well, Do Good
By Brooke Kosofsky Glassberg
Oprah Magazine

"The only thing sweeter than exploring a dazzling far-flung destination is improving the lot of of those who live there. Relief Riders International (RRI), a Massachusetts-based adventure travel company, makes globe-trotting as gratifying for the locals as it is for the visitors." READ MORE >>

Rajasthan on Horseback
Outside Magazine

When film producer Alexander Souri's first expedition of "Relief Riders" trotted into a remote Indian village last fall, the caravan of nine Marwari horses, four pack camels, 50 goats, and 15 people caused quite a stir. READ MORE >>

Relief Riders International sends out a Newsletter every couple of months. If you would like to review our news you may explore our Newsletters here


September 2024

NEW: September 2024 Change By Doing by Andrew Mersmann


August 2024

NEW: August 2024 The Ripple Effect: My Journey with Relief Riders


June 2024

NEW: June 2024 Read about Alumni rider Judith Large’s experiences on three different Relief Rides


September 2023

NEW: June 2024 Read about Alumni rider Judith Large’s experiences on three different Relief Rides


June 2020

NEW: June 2020 10 voluntourism trips that will actually make a difference


March 2019

NEW: March 2019 Delivering aid on horseback


December 2018

NEW: December 2018 The Heroine’s Journey:

The experience of deciding to join one of our rides is best described by Joseph Campbell as "The call to adventure" on The Hero's Journey. It is the moment when the hero feels called away from their routine to venture into the unknown. Like many journeys the initial moments are mixed with indecision, yet somehow filled with a "knowing" that it is the right choice.


July 2017

Read about 16 year old Elena Viennet's experiences with us on this past February's Khimsar Relief Ride in her own words [READ MORE]

September 2016

Alumni rider Professor Sue Beeton, a travel and tourism researcher, joined us on our Andes/Amazon Relief Ride and brilliantly shares her experience with us in her piece "Living In A World Without... [READ MORE]

March 2016

NEW: August 2016 Andes/Amazon Relief Ride!

I am writing to you from an Andean village nestled between two volcanoes, after having completed a remarkable ten day scouting trip adventure that took me from a small isolated village in the Ecuadorian Andes, down into the vibrant beauty of the Amazon rainforest.... [READ MORE]

January 2016

Introducing our latest women's health program in the New Year!

Ever since our first Relief Ride we have always been committed to child and women's healthcare. This commitment has expressed itself through the majority of our programs, from de-worming children, gifting goats to widows, and building bathrooms for students in poor rural schools.... [READ MORE]

January 2015

Take a tour of our Sanitation program at a school in Hirasar, Rajasthan (Video)

Our latest short film - a tour of our successful Sanitation Program build at the government school in Hirasar. We think you will agree that our alumni riders Sarah Pearl and Michael Berkeley do a wonderful job of presenting the project and highlighting its benefits.... [READ MORE]

July 2014

Read about our new "School Sanitation" program

After 10 years of working in the humanitarian field, it is clear to us that simple measures such as sanitation and hygiene are essential for children to survive.

According to Unicef, about 70% of rural Indians don't use toilets, and 28 million children have no toilet facilities in school.... [READ MORE]

March 2012

Ride with us to the Pushkar Fair!

Join us this November on a remarkable Relief Ride that will take you on the adventure of a lifetime to the world's largest horse and camel fair in the sacred village of Pushkar.

Our first ever Pushkar Relief Ride will take us on a breathtaking journey from the historic 16th century Khimsar Fort, perched on the edge of the Thar Desert, through remote villages where we will perform our humanitarian programs.... [READ MORE]

October 2010

Relief Riders International Awarded 2010 United Nations NGO Positive Peace Award!

The first half of this year has proven to be an exciting and busy time for us at Relief Riders International.

We were able to successfully complete both of our 2011 Rajasthan Relief Rides, our inaugural June 2011 Cappadocia Relief Ride and an extremely successful fundraiser.... [READ MORE]

April 2006

Relief Riders International Meets with the President of India

On its 3rd mission to Rajasthan, India, Relief Riders International (RRI) expanded its program and discussed past accomplishments and future plans with President Kallam of India at the Rashthrapati Bhawan in New Delhi, India. President Kallam was especially interested to learn of our rural health clinics, the school program, and our news plans to combat blindness and AIDS.... [READ MORE]

November 2011

Give the Gift Of Sight

Nearly 24% of the world's blind population lives in India; there are more than 30,000 blind people in Rajasthan alone. The World Health Organization estimates that cataracts ... [READ MORE]

November 2010

Dentistry in The Desert

If you live in the United States of America, it is easy to take for granted the fact that when you have a tooth ache you can find a well trained dentist nearby to treat you and provide quick relief. On average in the U.S. there is one qualified dentist for every 1,500 people.... [READ MORE]

May 2011

Education through play in Turkey

Turkey is one of the world's fastest growing economies. However, just as in India, only a minority of people are benefiting from the economic development. There is a vast divide between the resources available for Turkish people in large urban centers and those living in remote, rural regions. It is through one of these rural areas- Cappadocia - that the Relief Riders International Turkish Relief Ride begins June 17th, 2011... [READ MORE]


November 2015 - Give back in the warmth of the desert on our February 2016 Nagaur Relief Ride!

August 2015 - Royal Enfield Motorcycle Desert Relief Ride!

July 2015 - Ride to Largest Horse & Camel Fair; November 2015

May 2015 - Exciting news, a new concept and Official Ride dates: 2015/16 Ride season

January 2015 - Take a tour of our Sanitation program at a school in Hirasar, Rajasthan (Video)

November 2014 - Ride with us to Nagaur Fort!

October 2014 - "Adventure with A Mission" A rider's reflection of her journey

August 2014 - Ride with us to the Pushkar Fair and discover a new program, new places and new routes

July 2014 - Read about our new "School Sanitation" program

June 2014 - Exciting News and New 2014/2015 Relief Ride Dates

December 2013 - The Great Bikaner Relief Ride: February 2014

September 2013 - Read about the launch of our new Corporate Social Responsibility Division

July 2013 - Ride with us to the Pushkar Fair November 2013

May 2013 - November 2012 Pushkar Relief Ride: A Memorable Success!

February 2013 - Announcing the Winner of our Young Social Entrepreneur Scholarship

November 2012 - Relief Riders International Social Entrepreneur Voluntourism Scholarship

September 2012 - Read about our new and upcoming 2012/2013 Relief Rides

September 2012 - Relief Riders International announces year-round sustainable humanitarian programs

June 2012 - How RRI's pediatric program helps children in rural India

April 2012 - June 2012 Cappadocia Relief Ride

March 2012 - Ride with us to the Pushkar Fair!

December 2011 - Promote Positive Change, One Person at a Time

November 2011 - Give the Gift Of Sight

October 2011 - Cappadocia Relief Ride: Success!

July 2011 - How this year's Relief Riders made a difference in India

July 2010 - How this year's Relief Riders made a difference in India

June 2011 - New website, 2012 dates and exciting news!

May 2011 - Education through play in Turkey

April 2011 - June 2011 Summer Relief Ride through Cappadocia

February 2011 - Come ride with us in Turkey June 2011

December 2010 - Give a Goat for the Holidays!

November 2010 - Dentistry in The Desert

October 2010 - Relief Riders International Awarded 2010 United Nations NGO Positive Peace Award!

September 2010 - RRI nominated for 2010 United Nations NGO Positive Peace Awards

July 2010 - 2010 Relief Ride highlights/ Celebrating our 10th Relief Ride!

June 2010 - New Relief Ride Schedule for 2011

October 2009 - The Ripple Effect: Change By Doing

August 2009 - Relief Riders International Rides Again!

June 2009 - June 2009 Newsletter

August 2007 - A Stormy Ride

July 2007 - Season Review/ New Dates & Plans

August 2006 - Important! Please Read...

July 2006 - July Newsletter

April 2006 - Relief Riders International Spring Update

April 4, 2006 - Relief Riders International Meets with the President of India

January 2006 - A Ride Through Rajasthan

November 2005 - Adventure Through the Thar Desert

October 2005 - Horse Back Adventure Offers A Life Changing Experience in India

September 2005 - Voluntourism on horseback bring relief supplies to communities in need

September 2005 - Tsunami Relief Ride in Sri Lanka